New Quarter. New Goals.

We are 6 months from 2020 but presently in Q3 or 2019. It’s still hard to believe but I’ve done a ton of restructuring over the last 6 months and it’s great to see that many of the things I envisioned at the start of the year are starting to come to fruition.

This year I’ve focused on putting on my oxygen mask and not starting anything new.  I’ve refocused our services to web design & SEO. Tested (and testing) some services–some of which we won’t be implementing and others that are further down the pipeline.

The important thing that I’m laser focusing on…in addition to cultivating the 2 things I was working on in Q1 (focusing and improving our service offering) and Q2 (building a strong team)…is building CBNation Plus–it’s premium content and Mastermind for members only. Look for that coming soon with an ambitious goal of 200 members by the end of the year.

I’ve always wanted to focus on building a Membership Site but because of other competing priorities, I wasn’t able to as well as I would have hoped. I’ve cleared the decks and focused this year and now it’s time to get this up and going.

This is the quarter it gets kickstarted though.

Let’s gooooo!


Tags: Business

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