Becoming a Journalist Again AKA Creating Again

At my heart, I’ve always had a love of the journalism. It’s weird because I’ve never been a real fan of the news. My parents would watch the news all the time and still do but somehow it never appealed to me.

What I did learn about myself is that I loved to create content and information. Only it wasn’t called that at all. It was just me getting on the computer, and creating something on Microsoft Word that eventually became a family newspaper. I wasn’t a journalist. I wasn’t an entrepreneur. I just wanted to create something to make some money (I was 10 or so) and be able to let my dad know what was going on with the family back home while he was TDY (this was pre-skype days). I remember that I used to read the newspaper, not for the news but to practice writing. I don’t think it was ever the news that I was drawn to. It was the creation.

That’s what I’ve come to find out. It’s not that I love the news or creation. I like the process of starting something from scratch and making it into something. It may be a nonprofit or a computer or a new dish but that’s the draw for me.

So what the heck does all this mean?

It means that I’m getting back to those things which I loved doing. Those things which were the essence of who I was. The reason that I started the blog. Creating. Now, I have a strategic focus on building Blue 16 Media, this new podcast-I AM CEO Podcast and other things but I get to get back to being the essence of who I am.

Now, admittedly, I’ve struggled with putting myself at the forefront but through prayer and meditation, I’m doing a better job of it.

Now, what does this mean?

  1. A tremendous amount of content across different platforms but the foundation should and probably will be this I am CEO podcast.
  2. Getting the opportunity to build a media company like “Oprah.” Have you ever studied Oprah (not as a Mogal) but as talk show host. She’s phenomenal. She asks amazing questions and has amazing interviews. Plus she’s Oprah.

That’s it. It’s that simple. I’ve alluded to this a few times on a blog post here and on CEO Blog Nation and I’m continuing to make that transition.

Tags: Business

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