Welcome to my new site!

It’s been a long time since I’ve shifted this site. While I’ve changed the look and feel of the website, I haven’t changed how this website is strategically focus. It’s bolder and a simpler overall design to try to complement my renewed focus and some of my boldness. It also adopts some of the personal clarity that I’ve experienced over the year with my personal motto, creed and mission.

That changes today. Look for a new look and feel that consolidates all the different projects that I’m working on and future projects. This site is a landing page with a twist.

If you want to take a look at some of the things I’m working on be sure to check out the projects section. Overall, this is more of a hub to learn a little more about me and what I’m working on. Every so often expect a blog post of what’s going on in my head.

Enjoy the new look and more content.

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