The Importance of Detoxing

Vacations. They are a good way to see sights that you may have never seen before. I had the opportunity to go to Greece. It wasn’t so much a trip on my bucket list but a way for me get away and look at everything in a new light. However, I didn’t really plan out time to do that but as always the universe works in mysterious ways to make that happen. I ended up getting sick during the trip and it reminded me of taking time to regularly detox. For the past 2 years or so I haven’t been on a vacation or a trip even though it’s one of my favorite things to do.

Of course, seeing the sights and views are great but I think the most exciting thing is just to get away. The opportunity to clear my head and think about problems or barriers I might have in my personal or professional life is invaluable.

I almost forgot that when I got sick. It was a reminder that I needed to detox. Not just my body but things in my life. Prior to me leaving, I tried to get as much done as possible with the hope of making it easy while I was away for the team to get things done and set up. However, I forgot that I got a little off balance so I went on my vacation a little tired and stressed which is often the exact opposite goal of most vacations.

When I got sick, it reminded me of what I “left” back home and the reality that over the past few years I haven’t taken an opportunity to detox. So now, I’m looking with “new” eyes toward my business and life and removing those things that aren’t part of the plan or helping me to reach my business and life goals.


Tags: Life

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