Startup U – Lessons

One of the awesome things that we have at this time is to literally find the answer to anything that you’re looking for.

If you want to learn how to play basketball like Steph Curry, you can research and find videos and even courses that make it possible.

If you want to be an entrepreneur (or a better one) and change the world, you can find content that helps you to do that. One way I found this out was by bingeing this show I just discovered called Startup U with VC Tim Draper and his Draper University.

Each show had a lesson so I tried to put them in this blog post:

  1. To solve the problems of the world, you have to believe that you actually can.
  2. Changing the world is a team sport.
  3. Use creativity to turn failure into opportunity.
  4. If you can evangelize, you can change the world.
  5. Passion comes from the heart. If you really believe something has to happen, just go make it happen.
  6. Don’t just survive in business–thrive in business.
  7. Sometimes the greatest resource isn’t money, it’s enthusiasm.
  8. Truly know how business your business can become.
  9. I will fail and fail again until I succeed.
  10. Anything is possible



Tags: Business

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