Taking on Less

Often, when you think of resolutions you think of adding on this or adding on that or starting to go to the gym or any of the numerous things.

While I’m not a big believer in resolutions, I think it’s almost impossible not to acknowledge that at the end of a year and start of another year there’s a certain energy and newness that emerges.

So, while it hasn’t completely been a start according to the calendar, I have been gradually “shedding my skin.”

I’ve been looking at was coming off and making a concerted effort to do less.

Typically, I’m always looking at how I can do more. Now, I’m looking at how I can do less. It’s been a 6-month process but I think I’m here now.

Earlier this year, my motto had changed to less but better. Now I’m actually going to live it.

Tags: Business, Life

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