Summer Bodies Are Made in the Winter (Metaphor)

Winter separates those that really want it.

In GOT, there’s always the mention that winter is coming and this is literally a fact but also metaphorically it should be a realization that seasons are cyclical and they come.

However, winter is when those summer bodies are made.

  • It’s the person that goes for the morning run in 20-degree weather.
  • Or the person that wakes up out of bed when it’s freezing cold to complete their burpees.
  • Or the person that makes it to the gym 3 days a week when no one is in the gym.

It’s when the top fortune 500 companies were created.

It was during those “bad” times that the seeds for success were planted. It’s easy to succeed during the great times. Everyone is succeeding but it’s not as easy to succeed during the winter.

You have to prepare for the winter and behave as if the winter is already here so that when it does come you’re already ready.

Tags: Business

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