Activity is King or Royalty

I’ve been thinking a lot about 2019 as we close out 2018 and how to get that edge and how to focus even more.

It’s been one of the things that I’ve been thinking about a lot.

I’ve been speaking a lot this year on this philosophy that “You Are A Media Company” –aka the philosophy of your marketing strategy being focused on your ideal client and in alignment with your goal. The goal is to focus on 1 or 2 things to make that happen. My focus is on the I AM CEO Podcast and the blog–CEO Blog Nation. The goal is not just activity but focused activity.

It looks at things as if you are a journalist and leaves it to the person, organization or entrepreneur to connect with their target client.

So going into 2019 I’m looking forward because it is the first year in complete alignment where I will be building this media company and creating this platform to be an example of what other business owner and organizations can do. It will be about laser focusing on building this media company.

Tags: Business

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